Tag Archives: LRT

Letter of congratulations to Rob Ford

I sent this on December 2, 2010:

Mayor Ford, I would like to congratulate you for exceeding my expectations.

Allow me to explain. You have promised to make life easier for drivers, to build subways, and to stop wasting money. I doubted that your promises would be feasible. You promised respect for taxpayers. I disbelieved you.

I take the bus on Eglinton to and from work every day, like many thousands of other people. The traffic is slow and congested. Every person who drives or rides on Eglinton was looking forward to the subway — an underground LRT is a subway — that was to be constructed there. Now we read that it is to be killed, and there are no clear plans to build anything else there. Better public transit always eases traffic congestion; without the Transit City LRT (not streetcars, since the trains would not have run on the streets), worse traffic is guaranteed, and commute times for riders and drivers will get worse and worse, at a significant cost to the city.

What’s more, $130 million has already been spent on Transit City, with significant penalties to be expected on the signed contracts worth $1.3 billion.

In short, you have, within 24 hours, wasted an appalling amount of money, killed a subway line, guaranteed worse traffic, and shown a callous disregard for not just every person who uses Eglinton Avenue but every taxpayer in the city.

I expected that you would show your promises to be entirely false before too long, and to reveal the magnitude of your contempt not just for decency, reason, responsibility, and accounting, but for every single citizen of Toronto. But really — within 24 hours, and so spectacularly? I have to congratulate you. No one else could have done it.

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Filed under Toronto, transit